How to Obtain building construction permit Factory in Indonesia

How to Obtain building construction permit Factory? Basically each building including plant must meet the requirements of the administrative and technical requirements in accordance with the function of the building.

Requirements :
  1. Administrative requirements include:
    1. Status of land and / or permit the use of holders of rights to land (in the form of a written agreement);
    2. Surat bukti kepemilikan gedung yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah daerah;
    3.  Building permit;
      Each person applying for a building permit are required to complete the building:
      1. proof of land ownership status or proof of land use agreement (if the land does not belong to the owner of the building);
      2. Data owners of buildings;
      3. Technical plan of the building;
        Technical plan of the building was made by letter plan district / city for the location of the building to be built given by the Regional Government ( "the Certificate Plan District / City"). Certificate of District Plans / City contains:
        1. The function of buildings that can be built on the location in question;
        2. The maximum height of buildings permitted;
        3. Number of floors / layers of buildings below ground level and basement Tread Coefficient ( "KTB") are permitted;
        4. The demarcation line and minimum clearances permitted building;
        5. Basic Building Coefficient ( "KDB") the maximum allowed;
        6. Building Floor coefficient ( "outbreak") the maximum allowed;
        7. Green Elementary coefficient ( "KDH") the maximum allowed;
        8. KTB maximum allowed; and
        9. Municipal utility network.
  2.  Technical requirements include:
    1. Building code requirements that include:
      1. Terms designation of the building in accordance with the Spatial Plan of the district / city ( "RTRW") Detail Spatial Plan of Urban ( "RDTRKP"), and / or the Building Management Plan and Environmental ( "RTBL");
      2. Terms intensity of buildings that covers the requirements of density, altitude, and clearances are buildings that are set to the location in question;
      3.  Reliability requirements of buildings that includes:
        1. Appearance requirements of the building, designed with the principles of aesthetic forms, architectural characteristics, and in the surrounding environment.
        2. Spatial-in must consider function space, the architecture of the building, and the reliability of the buildings;
        3. Balance, harmony, and harmony of the building in its environment, as well as consideration of the balance between social values ​​and culture of the various developments of architecture and engineering; and
        4. The results of the environmental impact assessment for buildings that have a significant impact on the environment.
          This requirement only applies to buildings that could have an important impact on the environment

Legal basis
  1. Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2002 tentang Bangunan Gedung (“UU No 28 Tahun 2002”);
  2. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 36 Tahun 2005 tentang Peraturan Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2002 Tentang Bangunan Gedung (“PP No 35 Tahun 2005”);
  3. Peraturan Kepala BKPM Nomor 5 Tahun 2013 tentang Pedoman Dan Tata Cara Perizinan Dan Nonperizinan Penanaman Modal (“Perka BKPM No 5 Tahun 2013”);

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